Monday, September 1, 2008

Hacked Again! says:
harlo darynne here nice to meet u
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
heyy okay says:
u got send me your profile right in June? remember?
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
which agency> says:
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
i dont remember..sorry. anyway whatsup says:
ok, u can see my company friendster if u forget. here u go
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
owh okay. thanks for adding me.. but anyway.. do you have anything to tell me? says:
i got a job for new face. do u interested?
(FUCKER! I don't speak ENGLANG, I speak ENGLISH! I don't fuggin do LALA businesses!)

х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
what is it about says:
its clothes photoshooting job
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
then? says:
clothes from taiwan
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
okay what is the requirement? says:
no specific any requirement. my client need new face. so, this really a good chance for newbies
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
okay. i dont believe that clothes model no requirement..normally they have a certain height..and a certain body shape..i dont fulfill any of them.. says:
ok, if u dun have confident nvm. i just invite u
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
well..tell you the truth..and know you're lying..and probably this is a scam..i have no idea where you got my email address.. says:
up to you
х˚ğгαĉıε˚х love is like gamble says:
yea.. of course it's up to me..for your information..darynne is my friend..she's mycollege mate.. i've already heard that someone is using her name to fake as an on behalf on her..i just want you bitch or bastard to knw that..go fuck yourself..

Way to go girl! you RAWK! You KNOW ME!
FOr your information, hacker-fCUKER, my contacts and database are mostly my personal friends. So, stop trying to play games with me. It ain't working.
Go get laid.

ATTN: Someone, again, just hacked into my personal e-mail addresses-darynne.g and lovadovadarynne. Previously was which I have discontinued the service when it first got hacked. Please verify who that is or ask questions before continuing the conversation. Majority of my contacts are my personal friends so please be smart alright. Don't simply send that asshOle your personal details. I've just changed my passwords again and I think my laptop has spyware. I'll work on that. Sorry huns. I didn't expect this to happen again. Please let me know if anything like that were to happen again. If necessary, a police report shall be filed. Love.

Darynne G @Phatdolla


2nd Unit 2nd Room said...

hope you would take care of you computer and what you receive next time...
even in your email... :)

~wilson~ said...

yo babe, i think u shud go reformat ur hard disk. it work better this way. :)

Darynne G said...

Wilson,I reformatted once and ever since my com got probs like this. Real frustrating. I need to get some anti-virus software soon.

Josh, I never accepted any files on msn cuz i thought they're all viruses. I've a feeling that there's a spyware in my com. Either that or someone I know hacked into my acc.

I've never offended anybody man.. except the Aloha issue which has been settled long ago!


♥ Joey a.k.a Phing Phing ♥ said...
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