Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Day Mates!

It was a Monday afternoon, during break time, after stuffing our tummy at Rocher's, when Wei San complained about the heat, where we ended up at 7th floor (classroom seven).. We enjoyed our sticks of Sampoerna (don't ask me why am I takin that) *burps* still very full.

College Mates

I luv these bytches.. they always make my day :)

College Mates

We likey the companions. At mamak, by the pool tables, by the stairs.. whoops. We're VERY good people *nods* *nods*

College Mates

Aren't they just loveleyh? *aisheh*

College Mates

Late for class? Use our secret passage.. shh.. not tellin yah..
*RUN!!!!!!!* like..whaddafark?
I want a PDA. I need to work. >_<
Anxious to know what happened. It makes me wonder, more now.
When I saw that child in you again.

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